Selected Sundays in a month
Sunday Pūjā Service & Dhamma Talks featuring local and international Buddhist speakers. Opportunity to offer Lunch Dana to the Sangha and rejoice in merit-making.

Cyberspace Metta Meditation
Wednesdays @ 9:00 pm
Guided Metta meditation by Datuk Seri Dr. Victor Wee. Do join us in the continuous spreading of Metta to all sentient beings.

GEM Relic Stupa Pūjā & Dāna
Daily @ 10:00 am
The GEM Stupa in BGF is a Sārīrika Stupa which contains the Lord Buddha’s Relic as well as relics of Arahants and members of the Sangha. It is considered highly auspicious to perform offering and veneration at the Stupa.

Guided Group Meditation [In-Person]
1st & 3rd Sundays @ 2:30 – 4:30 pm
Immerse in the joy of Dhamma at our fortnightly guided group meditation, Dhamma discussion and Sutta study at Buddhist Gem Fellowship, Ara Damansara. For more information, contact Bro. Lai +6012-2102519.

GEM Dhamma e-Learning Series
Monday – Friday @ 8:30 pm
In line with our motto: “Growing People, Inspiring the Future”, BGF offers a series of online courses delivered by local and international, lay and monastic Dhamma teachers. Explore topical courses such as Buddhism 101, Mindful Living, The Four Brahma Vihara, Lessons & Values on the Doctrine of Kamma, Introduction to the Tripitaka, and more, with a good blend of theory and application.

Sunday Dhamma School
Alternate Sundays
BGF Buddhist Education was formed to structure a holistic Buddhist curriculum for children aged 5 to 17 years. The Gem Kids and Gem Teens program hopes to provide Buddhist children with the exposure towards Buddhist values while also learning about Mindfulness practice and Buddhist culture via art and craft, history and music.

GEM Helpline
BGF’s Counselling Hotline is established to lend a listening ear to everyone. It is manned by volunteers and has been in service since 1992. Our service hours are from Monday – Friday @ 2:00 – 4:00 pm & 7:30 – 9.30 pm. Please note the mobile numbers below, which were in operation since April 2020.
- 011-59944384
- 011-25289610
Email: bgf.counselingunit@gmail.com
Facebook: Gem.helpline
Instagram: gem.helpline
Twitter: @gemhelpline

Youth Connection Sessions
Selected Saturdays in a month
Immerse in the joy of Dhamma learning and practice in a safe and supportive space. Explore youth-related topics focusing on the application of Dhamma in daily life.

GEM Cardio Yoga
Saturdays @ 8:30 am
BGF Wellness Series. Conducted by Certified Yoga Instructor, Bro. Siow Bin. To register, kindly add yourselves to the CardioYoga Whatsapp Group.

OPT Workshop

GEM Fitness Program
Tuesdays @ 11:00 am
Each session will cover a circuit of body strength, balance and stability movements, where one goes at one’s own pace and no fancy footwork is required, suitable for active people and even those with walking sticks or walkers. It will cover how to prevent falls and fractures which will lead to living stronger for much longer with less pain and aches. So, it’s time to Get-up, Exercise, and Move (GEM) to a much healthier life. These exercises originated from the University of Otago (NZ) Research and are an approved Strength and Balance programme in NZ.

GEM Yoga Stick & Alignment
Tuesdays @ 8:00 – 9:30 am
Yoga exercises focusing on body alignment with stick and deep breathing to calm the mind and body.

Guided Group Metta Meditation (In-Person)
Wednesdays @ 10:15 – 11:15 am
In-person group metta meditation @ Buddhist Gem Fellowship, Ara Damansara. Recorded videos of guided meditation by Bhante Mahinda and Datuk Seri Dr. Victor Wee will be used.

BGF Ladies Connection
Rejoice and bond over Dāna, special interest classes, meditation retreats and fellowship trips with BGF’s vibrant community of Dhamma devotees! For more information, please contact Sis. Dolly.

i.gemz Buddhist Music
We, the i.gemz found inspiration from the Buddha’s timeless message and would like to convey to you the Buddha’s love and wisdom through meaningful and uplifting songs.

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To receive regular updates, please SAVE the BGF broadcast number +6011-54030989 and send us a message mentioning your (1) Full Name and (2) Membership Status.