GemKids Virtual Exhibition 2020 – Still Life: Fruits

The children learnt the concept of “Still-life” using fruits as the object. For it to look real, we talked about light and shadow. References were made to artist Paul Cezanne who is renowned for still-life artwork. We discussed fruits as a metaphor for the results of our moral cultivation. E.g., in practising Metta, we are well-liked by others.

Still Life: Fruits
by Adelyn, age 6
by Aiden, age 6
by Alex, age 6
by Ee Thong, age 6
by Xin Yee, age 6
by Ern Yee, age 8
by Kai Chun, age 9
by Russel, age 7
by Shu Anne, age 9
by Jamie, age 9
by Jee Yun, age 8
by Kyle, age 9

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Buddhist Gem Fellowship