Ajahn Dton Dhamma Tour With an Entourage of 4 Sangha Members

About Ajahn Dton
Ajahn Maha Dton Dhirapanno was born in Chonburi, Thailand, in 1967. He graduated as a medical student in Thailand. After graduation, he continued his medical studies from 1994 to 1997 under the American Board of Pediatrics at Children’s Hospital of Michigan under a scholarship provided by the government of Thailand. During this period, he was awarded The Best of Hospitality Winner. After he completed his PhD, he found himself in a meditation retreat in the US under the guidance of Ajahn Jayasaro, the abbot of Wat Pah Nanachat. Through this retreat, though he was still a lay person then, he realized that the monastic life was what he had been looking for. Ajahn returned to Thailand and went forth in Wat Pah Nanachat. With perseverance, he completed a Buddhist course which entitled him the honor of “Maha” (Maha signifies proficiency in Grade 3 Pali). At present, he is the Buddhist adviser and meditation instructor in hospitals, government departments, and schools in the vicinity of Wat Pah Bun Lom.