No Time for Dhamma Practice? How to Make Our Life Our Retreat by Bhante Rahula

Date: Thu, 4-Jan-2024, SPECIAL EVENING TALK
Time: 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm
Title: No Time for Dhamma Practice? How to make our life our retreat.
Speaker: Ayasma Rahula, Mexico
Venue: BGF Ara Damansara (Google Maps https://tiny.cc/Bgfloc)
Synopsis: The exploration provides many practical tricks to incorporate the Dhamma into daily living.
Speakers Profile:
Bhante Rahula was ordained under Sayadaw Dr. Nandamālābhivaṃsa. He also received direct guidance from Sayadaw U Tejaniya at Shew Oo Min Monastery in Myanmar. Of Mexican origin, he has lived in Asia for 21 years studying and practicing the Dhamma. His weekly course of the Anatomy of the Mind (applied Abhidhamma) is now followed online by students in more than 10 Spanish-speaking countries. He offers tools to be applied in daily life for the cultivation of our noblest qualities and potential, especially inner stability & wisdom. At present, he is training intensively continuing the studies of the Dhamma Vinaya in Sāsanārakkha Buddhist Sanctuary under the guidance of Ven. Ariyadhammika.
Note: You are highly encouraged to come and listen to this talk in person and get the good vibes off to start the New Year 2024. There will be no live-streaming of this talk.
Bhante Rahula