Special Evening Talk by Āyasmā Aggacitta: Pre- and Inter-Jhānic States of Samādhi in Saṃkhitta Sutta (AN 8.63)

SPECIAL EVENING talk by Āyasmā Aggacitta
📣 Title: Pre- and Inter-jhānic States of Samādhi in Saṃkhitta Sutta (AN 8.63)
📅 Date: Monday, 18 Dec 2023
⏰ Time: 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
⛩ Location: Buddhist Gem Fellowship
Block D-G-2, Block D, Jalan PJU 1A/3K, Taipan 1,
Ara Damansara, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
(Physical Event only, no registration required)
Synopsis: Bhante will examine and clarify the various states of samādhi as taught by the Buddha in Saṃkhitta Sutta (AN 8.63) [In Brief (NDB pp 1205-1207)]. All those who wish to attend are strongly urged to scrutinize this sutta before the event.
✨ Speaker’s Profile:
Āyasmā Aggacitta is a Malaysian bhikkhu ordained at the age of 25 by the late Bhaddanta Mahasi Sayadaw U Sobhana in Rangoon in 1979. Bhante Aggacitta, as he is more popularly known, received meditation training in the various traditions of Myanmar.
He is a keen Pāli scholar and ardent Dhamma practitioner noted for his extensive knowledge of the Pāli scriptures and vast experience in the practical aspects of the Vinaya and meditation. Using a critical yet constructive approach, he shares his findings with others via his writings, sutta study with meditation workshops, meditation retreats, and mindful hiking retreats. In 2000, he founded a Theravāda monk training centre, Sāsanārakkha Buddhist Sanctuary (SBS) near Taiping, Perak, Malaysia. In 2012, Āyasmā Aggacitta Mahāthera was invited by the Theravāda Buddhist Council of Malaysia to be one of the founding members of its Monastic Advisory Panel.
His Dhamma resources can be found in: