eWesak Blessing 2020 – One Light One Inspiration
We will be ONLINE for Wesak 2020
Wesak is the perfect time for us to contemplate on how fortunate we are to have a roof above our head, food in our stomach, and remain safe during the MCO. Most importantly, we have the opportunity to hear the Buddha’s timeless teachings and benefit from the Dhamma.
Light a candle at BGF Centre on Wesak Eve/Day as your dedication to the Triple Gem and support for BGF. Any amount is welcome. Please notify us by giving your FULLNAME & AMOUNT of donation together with the bank-in slip . The lights offerings will be broadcast LIVE on Wesak Eve & Wesak Day!
6th May – Wednesday, Wesak Eve
7.40pm – 7.45pm – Welcome Message
7.45pm – 8.00pm – Offering of Lights
8.00pm – 8.40pm – Evening Puja
8.20pm – 8.40pm – Wesak Talk on Bhumisparsha Mudra – Earth is my Witness by Datuk Seri Dr. Victor Wee
8.40pm – 8.50pm – Short Movie – The 4 Sacred Buddhist sites
8.50pm – 9.00pm – Gem Kids – Story of Angulimala
9.00pm – 9.30pm – Hymns Performance by Wayfarers and i.gemz
7th of May – Thursday, Wesak Day
9.00am – 9.30am – Wesak Reflections
9.30am – 10.00am – Puja
10.00am – 10.30am – Hymn Presentation by i.gemz
10.30am – 11.00am – Short movie clips
Gem Kids – The Greedy Potseller
K. Sri Dhammananda – A Life of Service
11.00am – 11.15am – Invocation and Aspiration
WhatsApp the receipt to BGF at +6018-663 5730. Alternatively, you can email to buddhistgemfellowship@gmail.com stating your fullname and amount. Account for payment:
Buddhist Gem Fellowship – Maybank Account: 5147-2110-3638
Bro Chee Seng : 010-4005354
BGF Admin : 018-6635730
Hourly Schedule
Wesak Eve, 6th of May
- 7.40pm - 7.45pm
- Welcome Message
- 7.45pm - 8.00pm
- Offering of Lights
- 8.00pm - 8.40pm
- Evening Puja
- 8.20pm - 8.40pm
- Wesak Talk on Bhumisparsha Mudra - Earth is my Witness
Datuk Seri Dr. Victor Wee
- 8.40pm - 8.50pm
- Short Movie - The 4 Sacred Buddhist sites
- 8.50pm - 9.00pm
- Gem Kids - Story of Angulimala
- 9.00pm - 9.30pm
- Hymns Performance by Wayfarers and i.gemz
Wesak Day, 7th of May
- 9.00am - 9.30am
- Wesak Reflections
- 9.30am - 10.00am
- Puja
- 10.00am - 10.30am
- Hymn Presentation by i.gemz
- 10.30am - 11.00am
- Short movie clips
- Gem Kids - The Greedy Potseller, and K. Sri Dhammananda - A Life of Service
- 11.00am - 11.15am
- Invocation and Aspiration

Datuk Seri Dr. Victor WeeFounding Member and Immediate Past President of Buddhist Gem Fellowship
DATUK SERI DR VICTOR WEE is a founding member and the Immediate Past President of Buddhist Gem Fellowship Malaysia (BGF). He is Honorary Secretary of the International Buddhist Confederation, a world body for Buddhists based in Delhi.
He started studying Buddhism at Seck Kia Eenh Dhamma School. He taught Dhamma to Buddhist groups and spoke at the local and international Buddhist Conferences. He leads Metta meditation at BGF for the last 23 years and is a pioneer in Buddhist music. He composed many Dharma songs in English and recorded five albums with the Wayfarers.
For his work in Buddhism, he was given several awards, including the Ten Outstanding Malaysian Youths in 1992 and the World Buddhist Outstanding Leader Award in 2013 by the World Fellowship of Buddhist Youths based in Bangkok.
He is currently Professor at the School of Hospitality and Tourism at Taylor’s University. In his career with the Malaysian Government he served as the Secretary General of Ministry of Tourism and the Chairman of Tourism Malaysia. He had also worked as Senior Director at the Economic Planning Unit, Prime Minister’s Department and was Chairman to the Programme Committee for United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) during 2007-2012.
He received his Bachelor Degree in Economics at University of Malaya, Masters Degree in Sociology at Brown University, USA and Ph.D. in Economics at Bristol University in the UK.