Mini-Retreat: Moving from Fear to Freedom (Bhante Dr. Chandima)

Mini-Retreat: Moving from Fear to Freedom (Bhante Dr. Chandima)
Date: Wednesday, 27 Sep 2023
Time: 8:00 am – 12:00 pm
Venue: Buddhist Gem Fellowship https://bit.ly/bgf_maps
As Beings, we are driven by many forms of challenges. From the Buddhist perspective, we are laden with attachment, craving and ignorance which cause us to live in fear. Is fear innate? Can we rid ourselves of fear? Join us in this mini-retreat with Bhante Dr. Chandima to gain a better footing in our spiritual path toward liberation.
📍 Registration: tiny.cc/WellnessRetreat-23
🙏 Bhante Dr Gangodawila Chandima is the Associate Editor of the Journal of International Buddhist Studies (JIBS). He was previously a research fellow at the Centre for Studies in Religion and Society (CSRS), University of Victoria, and the Theravada Buddhist Chaplain at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. Bhante is currently the senior advisor to Patisota, a virtual dhamma organization that hosts a weekly online Pali Reading Class, Sutta discussions, dhamma talks, and a variety of other dhamma activities. https://patisota.blogspot.com
Bhante Dr. Chandima