Sun@BGF – Buddhist Freedom vs World Freedom with Ajahn Brahmali
No registration required for this talk. All are welcome to bring along Dana to offer Bhante during lunch time (There is no need for the dana to be vegetarian).

About Ajahn Brahmali
Ajahn Brahmali was born in Norway in 1964 and was ordained as a Bhikkhu, with Ajahn Brahm as his preceptor, in 1996. His knowledge of the Pali language and of the Suttas is excellent and was regarded by Bhikkhu Bodhi as his major helper. The monastics of the BSWA often turn to him to clarify Vinaya or Sutta questions. They also greatly appreciate his Sutta and Pali classes. He is highly sought after in Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and Sri Lanka to share his knowledge.
Ajahn Brahmali
Born in Norway in 1964, Ajahn Brahmali, first became interested in Buddhism in his early 20s. After completing his Masters in Engineering and Finance, he renounced and ordained as a bhikkhu with Ajahn Brahm as his preceptor in 1996. He also teaches the monastic rules (the Vinaya), the Suttas, gives Pali classes and is involved in Sutta translations working closely with Bhikkhu Bodhi.
He is one of the foremost authorities on the Sutta and travels widely conducting Retreats and Sutta Workshops in HK, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia amongst others. Living a very simple life in the tradition of the Forest monks, his teachings based on the early Buddhist Suttas are very inspiring as he shares from his own practice and in-depth study of the Teachings as taught by the Buddha and brings the Buddha to life as a Teacher we can all relate to and follow by his examples.