Sun@BGF – Chinese Funeral Rites in Malaysia by Venerable Sing Kan
Time: 9.00am to 11.30am
Venue: BGF Ara Damansara
Title: Chinese Funeral Rites in Malaysia
Speaker: Ven Sing Kan
Public is encouraged to bring vegetarian food for Lunch Dana. No BGF Café
Speaker Profile
Ven Sing Kan was ordained at age 25 and had her higher ordination in 1987 under Master Tai Sheng from Taiwan. Her early teachers included the Late Chief Ven Dr K. Sri Dhammananda and Uncle Fam. A keen academic, she holds a Diploma in Buddhism from Kelaniya University in Sri Lanka and a Degree in Buddhism from International Buddhist College.
Her passion is in educating the young. She was the Vice Principal and teacher of Siang Lin Chiao Yen kindergarten in Malacca before becoming the Abbess of Sam Poh Thong temple in Ampang. There, she started the ‘Smart Readership Programme’ to improve the standard of English of the under-privileged children in the neighbourhood. Starting with 20 students, the number has grown to over a hundred. To accommodate the increasing number of students and devotees, she is expanding the temple.
Ven is also actively involved in interfaith dialogue and is one of the Vice-Presidents of the Malaysian Consultative Committee of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism.
Venerable Sing Kan