Sunday@BGF: Supporting A Visiting Vinaya Monastic as a Buddhist Society by Ayasma Vimuttadhammika

Join us at BGF for a Dhamma talk by Ayasma Vimuttadhammika on supporting a visiting Vinaya monastic as a Buddhist Society where we will explore the context of the Vinaya for a monk, laity meeting monks and the significance of the Vinaya, skillful attitude and means towards a monk, practical guidelines with regards to providing transport, accommodation, dāna, and requisites.
Title: Supporting A Visiting Vinaya Monastic as a Buddhist Society
Speaker : Ayasma Vimuttadhammika
Date: 16 July 2023
Time: 9:30 – 11:30 am
Venue: Buddhist Gem Fellowship Centre, Ara Damansara https://goo.gl/maps/NZayeo3uoaFZjKW49
LUNCH DANA is most welcome!
Speaker Profile:
Āyasmā Vimuttadhammika is originally from the Netherlands. When he met with some of life’s challenges he was blessed to come across the wisdom of the Buddha. Inspired in confidence he then set out to Sri Lanka and eventually ended up ordaining as a Bhikkhu under Āyasmā Ariyadhammika in Sāsanārakkha Buddhist Sanctuary in Taiping, Malaysia in 2020. Āyasmā Vimuttadhammika makes an ongoing effort to balance studies of Dhamma, Vinaya, and Pāli and supporting the Sangha with keeping mental, bodily and verbal actions as skillful as possible at all times.
Ayasma Vimuttadhammika