Youth Connection Session: Sutta Study with Bhante Dr. Chandima

BGF x PHBS Youth Sutta Discussion
Ep 1: Boundless | THU, 31 AUG 2023 | 2 – 4 pm
Mettā or Loving-Kindness is one of the quintessential virtues in Buddhism. This powerful practice of boundless benevolence holds a profound purpose and inspiration behind it. How can we integrate it into our daily lives? What were the Buddha’s original words regarding this all-embracing, universal love for all beings?
Join us for this episode of Bhante Dr. Chandima’s Sutta Discussion where we will explore the Karaṇīyametta Sutta and discuss the skillful application of Loving-Kindness in our daily encounters, paving the way for a lighter and happier life.
📍 Venue: Buddhist Gem Fellowship, Ara Damansara
Bhante Dr. Chandima