BGF @ OPT held this year’s first Origin Point Training Workshop in English on 29th and 30 September. We were fortunate to have a very popular and experienced OPT trainer Teacher Raymond Lim conduct the workshop.
The workshop was conducted over 2 days covering the history, concept and practice of OPT. Case studies and testimonies were shared to illustrate the effectiveness of the practice.
Overall, the benefits of OPT are to promote healthy lifestyle, relieve pain, stimulate self-healing and alleviate symptoms of illness.
The workshop was attended by 98 people of which 60 were participants, 30 volunteers and 8 facilitators.
After this workshop, the participants were required to return every Saturday for Antui practice before they could qualify as volunteers.
At OPT@BGF, we are a big family of like-minded volunteers seeking to benefit from the healthy and therapeutic lifestyle to enjoy better quality of life.