Is Stream Entry Still Possible? with Ayasma Ariyadhammika

Is Stream Entry Still Possible? with Ayasma Ariyadhammika

Want to find out why nowadays there seem to be less stream-enterers than at the Buddha’s time?Want to know what are the qualities of a stream-enterer?Want to know what’s the level of samādhi that is required for stream-entry?Want to know what’s the...
Go Forth! “悦” 起来! 卫塞节线上演唱会 Online Wesak Concert 2021

Go Forth! “悦” 起来! 卫塞节线上演唱会 Online Wesak Concert 2021

MCO? The fun and blessings continue! This Wesak, you’ll still have our concert tunes right at home, and we guarantee you’ll be humming them to no end 😉 Alongside Buddhist youth communities transcending both language and Buddhist tradition, let us discover the Buddha’s timeless teachings through contemporary music 🥰

Go Forth and tune in this 22nd May!

Buddhist Gem Fellowship