BGF is Inviting all passionate Dhamma Influencers to learn and up-skill your DELIVERY and PRESENTATION to effectively impart the Teachings of the Buddha.
BGF is Inviting all passionate Dhamma Influencers to learn and up-skill your DELIVERY and PRESENTATION to effectively impart the Teachings of the Buddha.
Due to the current extended of CMCO in Klang Valley, BGF have decided to postpone this event to prevent further risk of spreading of the COVID-19 both to the Sangha fellowship as well as our generous devotees.
Dr. Alvin Ng had a talk during Sunday@BGF last weekend. For your benefit, here’s a recording of his talk in YouTube. You can also find addltional resources related to mental health below the video.
Please be informed that the timing of Sun@BGF in October has been updated to 10.00am to 11.30am.
BGF Outreach edition for September 2020 is now available.