Highlights of recent and future activities of the BGFCU are as follows:
1. 27th BGF Counseling Course – Conclusion of Level 1
Level 1 of the 27th BGF Counseling Course has successfully ended with a presentation on ‘Personal Growth: Your Values, Your Life’ by Sis Siew Yin Heng on 8 December 2019. This session will give participants a lot of food for thought as they prepare to begin Level 2 on 5 January 2020.
One of the participants, Sis Diana Gatot, has written a report giving her personal reflection and observation of Level 1 which was posted yesterday.
You can read the full report here.
2. Education and Career Guidance Workshop on 30 November 2019
Sister Suan Tin reported on the workshop
The purpose of this workshop was to help students identify their interests and enable them to explore viable education and career options. At the same time, it provided parents with suggestions on how they can guide their children and positively engage with them. It was attended by 23 students & 22 parents. At least one parent was required to attend to engage and guide each child through the exploration of various options together. Parents and students were put into separate classes to learn their respective areas.
The speaker, Sis Sook Ling, took the parents through the workshop objectives and to have them “get to know themselves” (specifically in regards to their role as parents) while Sis Hui Sian and Sis Ke Xian worked with the students using the RIASEC theory. This was to help them identify their talents, interests, values and skills. For the parents, it was important for them to guide their children in gathering the necessary information before deciding on their career choices. Parents were exposed to 5 coping stances. An interesting role play between a mother and daughter was conducted to reflect the choice of career using the Iceberg theory to bring home the value of communicating effectively to achieve a “win-win” situation. The consensus at the end of the workshop was that this was a much-needed workshop for parents and children to learn how to make effective career decisions.
Sis Suan Tin
3. Crisis Intervention Workshop on 11 January 2020
As part of our ongoing training to upgrade the skills of our Para-Counselors (PCs), the above workshop will be conducted by Sis Siew Yin Heng, a qualified counselor, on 11 January 2020 from 10 am to 6 pm. All PCs are encouraged to attend the event.
4. The 2020 Para-Counselors Training (PCT) for the telephone helplines
BGFCU is now preparing to organize the 2020 PCT from March to September 2020. We are looking for passionate people who are eager to help others through counseling. We will provide relevant learning opportunities that will also benefit volunteers in personal development. All applicants must have completed Level 1 and 2 of the counseling course, and be able to commit themselves for 6 months for the theory and roleplay sessions (28 Saturdays from 2 to 6pm or 11am to 3pm). The training is free of charge but participants must commit to serving the BGFCU helplines for 2 years.
Those interested in participating in the PCT may contact BGFCU’s Main Coordinator, Sis Wong Chung Heong at 019-3282348.
9. Changes to BGFCU Exco
Two of our Exco members (Sis Wan Yue and Sis Mun Teng) are now pursuing Masters’ in Counseling at a local university. As such, they may be withdrawing from the Exco to concentrate on their studies. Sis Hui Sian, another Exco member and a qualified counselor, will also be withdrawing from the Exco when she begins her PhD soon.
10. BGFCU Telephone Counseling Service
The Telephone Counseling Service lines (Tel: 03-78599610 and 03-78599682) are now operating as follows:
- Mondays to Fridays from 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm.
- Wednesday to Fridays from 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm.
BGFCU has been working on offering a limited helpline service in Mandarin in addition to the one currently offered in English. Sis Wong Chung Heong and Sis Koo Yoon Kin have completed Level 1 of a Mandarin counseling course conducted by PELITA of YBAM. They will proceed with Level 2 in early 2020.