Robes and Bowls – The Sangha: Monks Ordination and Training with Ayasma Ariyadhammika
How does one ordain to be a monk? Are there monastic training centres available locally?
Come and get your questions answered by Ayasma Ariyadhammika, Sanghanayaka of the Sasanarakkha Buddhist Sanctuary Monk Training Centre, Taiping, Malaysia.
This session is available via Zoom, BGF’s Facebook, or SBS’ Facebook pages.
ZOOM: https://zoom.us/
ZOOM Meeting ID: 822 5144 9116
ZOOM Meeting Password: 195926
About Venerable Ariyadhammika
Ven. Ariyadhammika is an Austrian Buddhist monk who ordained in 2005 in Myanmar with Pa-Auk Sayadaw as his preceptor and meditation teacher. He maintained a very simple lifestyle, living out in the open and under trees, dedicating himself to mindfulness of breathing and later also to many other meditation subjects. He was initiated into the meditation techniques of Mogok, Mahasi, Shwe Oo Min/U Tejaniya and Sunlun.
He went to Thailand in 2010, where he stayed for 3 years at Wat Pah Nanachat, undergoing the traditional training of a Thai forest monk of the Ajahn Chah lineage. He stayed in Malaysia from 2013 to 2015, studying Pāli, Suttanta and the Vinaya under the guidance of Ven. Aggacitta Mahāthera. From 2015 to 2018 he stayed in Sri Lanka and returned to Malaysia in January 2018 where he was appointed Saṅghanāyaka of Sasanarakha Buddhist Society Monk Training Centre, Taiping, Malaysia.
Ayasma Ariyadhammika
Āyasmā Pāladhammika was born in Norfolk, Virginia, USA. He first discovered the Dhamma online at age 16. Thereafter he began watching videos of Āyasmā Yuttadhammo with whom he undertook his first meditation course in 2017 spending a total of 50 days in solitary practice. Thereafter, he spent 3 months in Sri Lanka, where he met with Āyasmā Ariyadhammika under whom he received Higher Ordination in 2019 at SBS Taiping.