Sun@BGF – Sila Means Behaviour with Venerable Kumara

Do attend Physically
You are strongly encouraged to attend the talk physically so that you may have your questions answered. Online questions will have lower priority. This talk will also be livestreamed at Buddhist Gem Fellowship Youtube channel:
About Bhante Kumara
Bhante Kumāra (Lay name: Liew Chin Leag) was ordained a Buddhist monk in 1999 at the age of 27 by Sayadaw U Revata.
He has been guided by Bhaddanta Aggacitta Mahāthera in the Vinaya, the Suttas and Pāli language, Sayadaw U Tejaniya in the right view and attitude of spiritual cultivation leading to the ending of suffering and Luang Por Gunhah to always be interested to improve himself as a practicing monk.
With his previous training in education, he shares the Dhamma, especially on meditation (using English, Mandarin and Hokkien) with Buddhists and non-Buddhists too. Besides aiming to be a better person and inspiring others to do the same, he also aims to be free from himself.