MINDULNESS for Finding Peace in a Frantic World by Dr. Yeoh Kar Kheng
22 September 2020, Tuesday Evening Talk
Time: 08.00pm – 09.30pm
About Dr. Yeoh Kar Kheng
Dr. Yeoh Kar Kheng obtained his doctorate degree in Organic Chemistry from Oxford University and is currently a senior lecturer in School of Chemical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia. Dr Yeoh is a SIY Certified Teacher trained by Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute, USA. Search Inside Yourself (SIY) is a scientific based mindfulness and emotional intelligence curriculum that was developed and tested at Google.
To date, he has conducted over a hundred of mindfulness workshops to various audiences ranging from global technology companies to investment firms, hospitals, and humanitarian organizations. In Asia, he is one of the pioneers in introducing mindfulness training to corporate organizations, including Intel, Dell, Huawei, TSMC, Deloitte, Mercedes-Benz, Infineon, and Vitrox etc. He is the founding chairman of Malaysia Mindfulness Association and has frequently been featured in local mass media.
For More Information
Whatsapp/call Bro Bobby Ng at +6012 635 5571 or Bro Lai at +6012 210 2519 for assistance.
Dr. Yeoh Kar Kheng
Timely for the challenges we are facing ww