Sunday@BGF Online – Transforming Vipassana in the Troubling Times with Venerable Gavesi

About Venerable Gavesi
Ven. Gavesi is a Malaysian Bhikkhu who was ordained in 2001 by the late Sayadaw U Pandita of Panditārama Forest Meditation Centre in Myanmar. For over 20 years, Ven. Gavesi practised both Samatha and Vipassana bhāvanā under various teachers such as from his late preceptor Sayadaw U Pandita, Ven. Sayadaw Nyanapurnik, and Ven. Sujiva. He now teaches mainly Vipassana technique in Malaysia, as well as periodically in Europe, Nepal, and Indonesia. He is presently the Spiritual Adviser to Peace House in Penang.
Venerable GavesiSpiritual Adviser to Peace House in Penang
Ven. Gavesi is a Malaysian bhikkhu who was ordained in 2001 by the late Sayadaw U Pandita of Panditārama Forest Meditation Centre in Myanmar. For over 20 years, Ven. Gavesi practised both Samatha and Vipassana bhāvanā under various teachers such as from his late preceptor Sayadaw U Pandita, Ven. Sayadaw Nyanapurnik, and Ven. Sujiva. He now teaches mainly Vipassana technique in Malaysia, as well as periodically in Europe, Nepal, and Indonesia. He is presently the Spiritual Adviser to Peace House in Penang.