Ajahn Brahm @ BGF – Registration Closed for “A Day with Ajahn Brahm and Sutta Class
Here are some updates on the availability of the sessions with Ajahn Brahm @ BGF.

Ajahn Brahm@BGF – Public Talk – Challenges with Dhamma in Daily Life
Ajahn Brahm will be giving a public talk on the topic of Dhamma in Daily Life Challenger. Registration is not required.

42IDC Public Talk – Brahma Vihara in Daily Life by Uncle Vijaya
Didn’t manage to sign up for INCOVAR? Don’t worry, you can still be a part of the JOURNEY ~ We’re opening Uncle Vijaya’s talk to the public! All are welcome to sit in for Uncle Vijaya’s talk on how to practice loving-kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy and equanimity towards oneself and others as we go about our daily lives. Bring your family and friends along!