BGF Outreach (July – September 2020)
BGF Outreach edition for September 2020 is now available.

BGF Counseling Unit – Updates and Upcoming Activites
by Sis. Wong Chung Heong Highlights of recent and future activities of the BGFCU are as follows. 27th BGF Counseling Course Level 2 The MCO (now in the recovery phase) is still with us but life must go on even as we adjust to the new normal. BGFCU has thus decided to...
Online Para-Counselors Training (PCT)
Sister Yeoh Phaik Sim shares her experience conducting Para-Counselor Training online via Zoom.

My Experience as First-Time Virtual Host for 27th Counseling Course Online Session
Sister Daphne shares her experience being a virtual host for 27th Counseling Course Online Session.

The Road We Walk Together: Perspectives from a Parent
Sister Christine shares her experience and learning from The Road to Real Happiness: A Forum on Overcoming Challenges Faced by Today’s Youths and Teens. The forum was jointly organized by gloWithin and BGF Youth Connection on 29th February 2020.