How to overcome the Five Emotional disturbances by Bro. Vong Choong Choy
Date : 3 June 2018 , Sunday Time : 9.00am to 11.30am (Join us for lunch at BGF Café after the talk). Venue: BGF Shrine Hall Title : “How to overcome the Five Emotional disturbances” Synopsis: The Five Emotional Disturbances are often explained as the Five...Watering Our Own Garden by Sister Miyen Low
We usually admire our neighbours’ gardens or got excited when we passed by some beautiful gardens. Often times we neglect our own garden, causing harm to it! This talk will share some skills on “how to water our own garden” so that our flowers will bloom & grass will flourish.
Effective Speaking Course 2018
Each year, we produce graduates who aspires to become dhamma speakers furthering with the Dhamma Speakers Training Programme, dhamma teachers, effective leaders and competent users of communication tools in social and corporate aspects.
Come and join our Effective Speaking Course. Do not let the fear of Public Speaking hold you back!
Dhamma Minders 4
40 Hours of Dhamma Teacher Training program designed for Sunday Schools in Klang Valley which consists of Dhamma Enhancement program and Facilitation Skills. Who should attend? Dhamma Workers, Dhamma Teachers, Dhammafarers When is it? Dates: 2 & 30...May – June 2018 Edition
Download the May – June 2018 version of BGF Outreach. Question Your Thinking, Change your World – An Introductory Workshop Based On Bryon Katie’s The Work
“I need more money”
“I’m too fat”
“He/she doesn’t appreciate me”
“The world’s not safe”
Thoughts like these may run through our minds many times a day, fostering fear, anger, stress, and even depression. How would your life be if these thoughts don’t bother you like they used to be again?
The Path to Enlightenment by Nyaninda Bhikkhu
Suttas are not just for scholarly understanding but for us to apply in daily life in our path towards enlightenment; to experience and see here and now (Ehi Passiko). There is a difference between knowing the Path and walking the Path.
In this talk, we will be discussing quotations from various Suttas to see their application in daily life in walking the path towards enlightenment.