Tuesday, 24 Mar 2020 | Outreach |
Thus I have heard… Ajahn Brahmali is well regarded as an authority on the Buddhist suttas. Hence, I kick-started this year as a participant of this. Sutta Retreat I (February 15-17) touched on the 1st Noble Truth (The Truth of Suffering). The meditation retreat (February 18-20) had both self-practice, guided meditation as well as the sutta study of the 4th Noble Truth (The Path to the Cessation of Suffering). Sutta Retreat II (February 21-23) touched on the 2nd and 3rd Noble Truths which deal with The Origin of Suffering and The Cessation of Suffering.
Tuesday, 24 Mar 2020 | Outreach, Trips |
For many years, I found reason to put off going on a pilgrimage to India. It wasn’t until I read the Mahāparinibbāna Sutta (DN16) wherein the Lord Buddha mentioned to Venerable Ānanda the 4 places which should arouse the emotions of faithful monks, nuns, and lay followers after his passing. These are the locations of his birth, of his enlightenment, of his first sermon which set in motion the Wheel of the Dhamma, and of his attainment of Mahāparinibbāna.
Wednesday, 18 Mar 2020 | Uncategorized |
In view of the Global Pandemic of COVID-19 and the need to keep our members safe, BGF will be SUSPENDING all activities for the month of March 2020.
Tuesday, 17 Mar 2020 | Uncategorized |
We regret to inform you that BGFCU Helplines phone and face to face counseling will be suspended from 18-31 March in view of PM’s announcement of restrictive movement order, which required us to close-down our premises. You can leave a message at +6011-59944384 and we...
Monday, 9 Mar 2020 | Events |
Due to changes in his travel schedule, BGF wishes to announce that the scheduled 14 Apr 2020 evening talk by Dr Tan Eng Kong has been cancelled. Kindly take note.
Thursday, 23 Jan 2020 | Outreach |
BGF – Outreach 2020-01 – 2020-02 by BGF on Scribd
Thursday, 23 Jan 2020 | Events, Outreach, Workshop |
This year, we in BGF were very fortunate to have Ajahn Brahm conducting four events before proceeding to Mahindrama Temple Penang to conduct a meditation retreat. His sharing of universal love and compassion in all his events was indeed the hallmark of his presence...
Tuesday, 21 Jan 2020 | Buddhist Education, Concert, Outreach |
What happened during Gem Kids’s Year End concert? Clicks in to find out!
Monday, 20 Jan 2020 | Outreach, Retreat, Trips |
Some thoughts shared by teenagers and parents after attending camp Bridging Minds Joining Hearts at Broa Bliss Eco Resort. This camp is jointly organized by BGF and gloWithin between 30th November 2019 and 2nd December 2019.
Sunday, 19 Jan 2020 | BGF Counseling Unit, Outreach |
Highlights of recent and future activities of the BGFCU.